Edited: 9/12/2005 4:48:40 PM by ohsolomazda
Edited: 9/12/2005 4:48:22 PM by ohsolomazda
Originally posted by moto14420003
does anybody have a web site or something i cant get directions to build a bandp** cuz im not 100%how to build one thanks again
try calling the manufacturer of the subs you are going to run, they should be able to give you the exact air space that the subs will need so you arent just guessing with some measurements that someone threw out to you, then you are tuned to exactly what your subs should be tuned to, i would still really recommend a slot port over a bandpass simply because of the noise that the plastic bandpass ports create, and if you have a shop around you that has a slot port box, you should check it out, they sound great, what kind of subs are you planning on running? i may have something that will work for you depending on where you are, since this box is pretty heavy 3/4 mdf slot port dual twelve box, that way you could just build some beauty panels around it and it would be a million times easier for you email me at