after blasting with soda, it leaves a film on the metal. if you dont remove this film, it will cause your etching primer to flake off after a few years.. the best is to whas the metal with a rust inhibitor, i cant think of any names right off the bat, but its that bluish looking alcohol smelling stuff you can get at any piant store. ive been using soda balsting for many years now, as i know a guy who owns a huge soda corporation out here in phx az.. as for the question of what is and why use soda balsting.. well think of takin a brand new car and not removing anything from it, now give it to a soda balster and have them blast all the paint off, youll be left with brand new non painted bumpers, the entire car will be metal, no warping, no etching or scratching of your headlights, windows, rubbers, felt, plastics, wires, wont hurt your tires, and best of all, it wont hurt, heat, distort the metal... you can actually see all the bluing of the heat around evry spot weld. the crap is plain awesome... and BIO DEGRADABLE. meaning my friend blasts graphiti off walls, scum and minerals from pools, textures brand new wood blinds for houses, strips old paint from airplanes (very thin aluminum) cant take a "prestine" auto that has been sitting and blast off the paint to see if your numbers matching car has been wrecked or repaired, shit i could go on and on about the good things about soda blasting..... super good stuff!!!!