I drove my Civic for 2 years every single day. I drove in rain, snow, sleet every conditon you could imagine. I am running 1/2" valves, lines, 2 450 compressors and cylinders all around. To tell you the truth I had very minimal problems. Valves stuck a few times in the winter but I know was because it was so cold and they were in the engine compartment which was exposed to the elements, but when I let my car warm up they were always fine. I recently took my car off the road to finish all of the body work because it was to much of a hassle pulling it off the road on a friday and trying to complete all the work by monday morning. If its all you have to drive thats fine, if your not planning on building it into a fully blown show truck while your driving then you should have no problems. But if you are planning on building it then build it first trust me it is so much more worth it. Building a show car and trying to build it at the same time is like trying to fill a funnel. Its like your fixing it more than you are actually progressing.