Originally posted by 99hondagrl
Yeah, yeah, yeah... and I could make some lovely generalizations about people in Cali. too, but I'm not gonna stoop to your level. Politicians are a bit different, especially those that are high profile, like Mr. DeLay.
You must only hear what you want to hear, or you have a seriously lack of communication skills. Must I remind you of what has been discussed in this topic:
1.)You generalized politicians in general and said they were all selvish crooks. 2.)I called you on your generalization of the profession by comparing it to a situation that related to you.3.)You respond by saying that I am "below you"
You are seriously misguided if you took my previous comment as an insult. It was not intended to be one, just an example of what you were doing. So have a nice day, learn the facts and then you won't have to generalize.
O.J.- I too am interesting in seeing what the outcome of the trial is, although it is bit of a stretch to get two seperate grand jury indictments for different crimes, the latest being money laundering. I guess we will see how many political alias he has through his trial.