if you can get on with an oil rig,go right ahead most places want 5-10 year experience before you top out anywhere,if you took tech school,then don't go out in the field and brag about it cause you will get hell,i work in a chemical plant for Flour Daniels and they top out @ 16.75 and hour,but the chemical company iam contracted out to (Eastmen),they top out at 24.00 bucks an hour!!,you could pick you up a hot sheetsClick here for hot sheetsand travel and make some hella cash but you better be a top notch stick welder,cause if you bust out on a test and your 400-500 miles away from home you have to turn around and come right back home.if you could master pipefitting and weldeing you'd be set,so if you failed a weld test you could be a pipefitter
A welder on the road doing shutdowns,makes any where from 18.75 to 25.00 and hour,BTW be prepared to work 7-12's until the shutdown ends
pipefitters make the same as weldersbut if your a slick stick welder you MIGHT can get on with a oil rig company,"your looking for experience,not money" right now,
and learn all you can from the "ol timers" out in the field.and you should be fine