l o w n l o u d
The spot with the bolt should be the stock charging post, its the stock HOT wire to battery. The plug part is for the relay/switch and acc/turn-on. Your Toyota alternator should ground thru the engine black mount, meaning that on the passenger side there is a black cable that is you chassis ground to engine block, theres a stud right behind the water pump/timing chain housing on the bottom front of the motor. This is the cable you want to upgrade. The charging stud on the back of the alternator should be upgraded as well ( do not eliminate the existing cable ) Just add an additional larger gauge cable from that spot to the battery, make sure to ADD a new inline fuse on that NEW wire ( matching the alt/cabling max output ) - the fusebox should ideally be at least 6 " - 12 " from the battery. ALSO, upgrade the Battery to chassis ground wire ( runs from NEG to passenger fenderwell - short wire bout 8" - 10 " in lentgh ) this wire should match the cabling you replaced for the chassis to engine block. I would recommend at minimum 4 gauge for your grounds & power wires. I run 0 gauge now from my 150 amp H.O. ALT to battery, and 4 gauge grounds from BATT to fenderwell & chassis to engine block & chassis to cab floor stud for my AMPS. Need anymore help, hit me up, wired ALOT of vehicles. Goodluck !