Originally posted by alienwerks03
Originally posted by TuknHard
Edited: 10/15/2005 7:07:07 PM by TuknHard
yeah man, I work at a Best Buy warehouse, I get a killer discount on shit but most of the people i work with are complete dicks or totally incompetant, and I get shit on by the managers and supervisors, and I have a college degree to boot and that doesnt matter one bit I still get shitted on
i used to work at a best buy warehouse, i got fired for painting flames on my lie...they didnt like it when i said it made it go faster.
^^^that has gott to be the funniest shit ive heard man,,thats good,i need a good laugh,i don't work in a warehouse,more less in a chemical plant as a contractor,and bout got into trouble for drawing flames on other peoples tool boxes,lol