Grrrreeeaaattt....geometry. That's some good info. I'd rather just get some lowered mounts that are already fabbed, so if you read this much??
Even if the stock hood doesn't completely close, I could live with it. I have a v6 so there's a lot of shiz in there. If I can get it close, I would be happy. I had heard that the oil pan needed to be sectioned, but since I've looked at it, it looks like it sits higher than the engine crossmember, so maybe that was a different model.
Another question here, so the z'ing of the frame is to get it to lay frame, right? So for a hood on a body drop to close, the motor would HAVE to be lowered in some fashion....right? Just curious.
Also, my tranny x-member is already raised, so would I have to lower it the same amount as the lowered mounts to maintain integrity?