Edited: 11/6/2005 1:30:27 PM by mccook8
I look at it this way: who's going out of their way?
I mean, if a cop pulls somebody over for failing to signal a lane change when there's nobody else around, or some such lame crap, and then does a full-on inspection and writes tickets for whatever modifications that he finds, then, yah, I think that cop is being a bit of a dick.
On the other hand, if it's the minitrucker who's throwing sparks for three consecutive blocks down the main drag during prime cruising time on a Friday night, well.......there's kind of a "had it coming" aspect to that, isn't there?
Look, I doubt that there's more than 10% or so of us (minitruckers, car nuts, gearheads, etc.) whose vehicle is COMPLETELY in compliance with their state's laws. And, as such, I think you pretty much have to face the fact that if your ride attracts attention, SOME of that attention might come from places you don't want it to......
Now, once that happens, you can either:
(a) be friendly and polite and hope for the best
(b) show your ass, and demonstrate what a jaihouse lawyer you are.....
MOST cops faced with (a) will be at least tempted to do warnings.
MOST cops faced with (b) won't even consider a warning