Edited: 11/8/2005 5:25:09 AM by SHORT n SWEET
Ok I don't have any of my truck in one piece yet, but this is the closest thing to mine...
and if anyone want to do the little back view in the corner theres this photo.
These wheels in 19's(wheels on truck in pic are 20's)
I want it laying flat HARD sills, shave handles, tray sides, full skin combo, no numberplate box, shaved tailights and the top of the tray welded shut, 1 - piece glass, tinted black, and the truck in silver with some blue/black tribal graphics going up one side of bonnet and top of tray...
Now this is ultimately what i want, i would like to see the wheels on there most importantly, but anything will do really, whatever anyone wants to do cause i cant pay you.... just have some fun with my ideas if you like...
Thanks heaps and in advance!!!