you cant cut two inches off the stock frame, it will be a real flexible flyer.
You cant cut two inches off the lower ocntrol arm crossmember, the contro larms will fall out.
You cant just cut two inches off the bottom of the frame, because your engine and transmission and exhaust will be the lowest part of the truck, you'll lay tranny and oilpan and exhaust, not pinch.
IF you cut two inches off the bottom of the frame and none of that other stuff was a problem, your suspension would have to droop an extra two inches to lay out, I see ball joints breaking and pinion angles going bad before that happens.
IF you were to raise the front clip, chop two inches off the bottom of the frame and reinforce it, raise the tranny and the exhaust, build new crossmembers...
congratulations, you just did a SFBD. There is a reason no one has tried your idea before, it doesnt work.