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Body work and Paint \  acrylic enamel vs base coat clear

acrylic enamel vs base coat clear

Body work and Paint Q & A
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cruisinlowS10   +1y
can i get some opinions on which one to use to paint my truck? its my first time painting i will have my dads help who has painted several rides with acryclic enamel but never with a basecoat clear so I just need some opinions. so far i have sprayed all the primer (both etching and high build gray) on my truck and havent had any problems. I got an estimate from the paint shop today and its going to cost me about the same either way that i go so price isnt really a factor. I know with the acrylic enamel i would have to buff it with rubbing compound and then glaze but otherwise i need some advice on the differences in the paints and how they apply.
Severed701   +1y
i would go with basecoat/clearcoat if they are the same price..spraying a single stage is basically just like spraying clearcoat anyway
bodydropped85   +1y
yea base clear is the way to go..
liljlowrider   +1y
for sure base/clear... its better quality and will last alot longer.. (maco and earl shibe us acryclic paint)
FloorVair   +1y
If you want a single stage paint use PPG's DDC line, is a single stage Urethane. It comes in a full line of colors, and will hold up much better than cheap ass acrylics. I really only ever use them for black, since clear muddies up the black. Sands and buffs beutiful and great shine.
bbb   +1y
Base clear all the way.The prep work and finishing work (cutting and buffing)is what make or brakes your job.My 2 cents.
DodgeRT   +1y
cruisinlowS10   +1y
i picked up a book on custom painting. about a 140 pages worth that i have started reading. And yeah like most of you have said i am leaning toward doing a basecoat clear job on my truck. i'm excited. probably buy the paint monday and paint some on tuesday.

cruisinlowS10   +1y
well i sprayed some of my truck today. overall it turned out good for my first time. I went with basecoat clearcoat. I did 2 coats of paint and 2 coats of clear. what do i need to do now as far as wet sanding and buffing? also i got one run in the clear that needs to go what should i do with that and lastly is there anything i can do about a few specs of dirt that is in the paint?
dubbed98   +1y
get u some 1000, 1500, and 3000 grit sand paper for overall best look in wetsanding. Now first off for the run u are going to have to take a block and the 1000 and block it out but in a small area and give it a day or 2 to set up or you will tear the clear coat. "Really they make a file on a block where u would file the run out but i doubt u have that and dont recomend it for a beginner" Be careful and do not break thru the clear coat when tryn to sand the run out. Next take the 1500 and wetsand the whole truck being careful on corners etc to not break thru. You will be able to notice if the orange peel, trash etc is sanding out as you sand. I then like to run back over everything and wetsand with some 3000 to make the scratch marks minor as possible which will make the buffing easier. Compound it , swirl remove it with the glaze and see how it looks. Also on the buffing be careful on edges do not burn the paint. Goodluck to ya!