Blog about a Blog



Published on Jun 29, 2016 about a blog.

I've been putting off writing this for quite some time, over a year in fact. My current work schedule can be challenging, I'll work some days from 7:30am - 4pm then pick back up again and work 9pm-1am, then off and on all day from 7am-8pm etc. I try to squeeze in 3-5hrs a day to work on Street Source but some days I end up falling asleep on the couch before I can even get started.

What I'm planning on doing for this section is to highlight development activities. Most of the time it will be just a general overview but from time to time I'll go into more depth. You'll also be able to share your feedback in the comments section. If you have a gripe, that's fine but try to be as specific as possible....I might make it worse!

I'm going to do my best to start blogging on a regular basis and even though this is more of a quick bathroom read, I know sometimes just doing it is the best way to get started. I appreciate you taking the time to read this, it will get better!

Until next time, here are some hints of upcoming blogs. To make it more interesting to look back at this blog in the future, here's also a screen shot of Street Source.

Some topics I plan to write about in this blog in the near future...

  • SSM is Dead, introducing Project Street Source

  • New Logos and Gear - Features

  • Personal Projects

  • Linux and IT Infrastructure (This will be boring for most of you, just a heads up!)

This blog has been viewed 5105 times.

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