Ride of the Year 2008 sosatheshark



Published on Dec 14, 2008

Owner: Justin Garman
User Name: sosatheshark
MazdaBscene member since: Sept 08
Occupation: Fiberglass / Audio guru
Location: Reading, PA
Ride: 1987 Mazda B2000
Years owned: 11

Interior: Custom fiber-glassed dash with Autometer Gauges and lcd tv, glassed console, fiber-glassed door panels with plexi/and painted inserts, matching kick panels, Honda seats suede and leather material
Exterior: Paint h.o.k lime time pearl with gold candy, 12 other colors, 4-runner front combo, phantom grill, suicide hood, shaved handles, cowl, emblems, angled license plate box, Toyota supra tails, sliding rag top

Engine: 2.0 with 34/34 Weber, header turbo muffler, accel coil, and Ohio alt, billet fuel cell
Suspension: Slam bags, triangulated reverse 4-link, tubular bridge 8"notch, gc valves, ps2 switchbox controller
Audio: Alpine head unit, Rockford 360.2, us amps, and 2 audio pulse "ultra "15s, and all MB quart q series mids and components
Wheels and Tires: 17x7 bonspeed lagunas color forged lime time
Work performed by/location: Paint done by Justin McCoy from Milton, Kentucky
Thanks from the owner: I want to thank my family first off , for dealing with my obsession over my truck and the long hours I've spent working on it, also I want to thank sparky for being there when i needed a helping hand
Future Plans: My future plans include a stock floor body drop and a tpi motor

Featured Member Chat:

Have you been out to Carlisle ATN?
A long time ago, when it was a lot different
Yeah I haven't been there in a few yrs, the last one I went to they tried doing more MTing events, they had a drag show which was OK
What did u think of it?
I really liked it, it was when I really first started getting into mintruckin and was just enlightened
I bought my truck along time ago, and it was a juiced hopper but still daily
Yeah, I think its just hard up here, MTing isn't as big as further east into NJ
Ha, so you don't drive the truck daily now?
I have a SUV. If I have spare money it goes towards my one and only
Cool, so what made you buy the Mazda?
Well growing up I've always loved low riders, especially 64 impalas, then in my town I seen a Mazda lowered but nothing else, and fell in love with it
seen potential for a lot of subs and driving low
so I said one day I'll get a Mazda
then I seen a Mazda juiced for sale and went and bought it
So whats the MTing scene like in Reading?
There isn't any, maybe a couple but no big clubs or anything
I actually was in a couple low rider clubs, but when I went to my first minitruck show, I think the following week I stripped truck back to factory and started buying stuff

Does that make it harder to stay into it, or do you like the rare-ity of it?
Honestly, I've went 20 hours away to shows, just me and my wife because I love custom vehicles
Wow that's wild
I just love Mazdas though, I don't know if its the seen cause I really don't care about competing and having the newest stuff out there
So does your wife support you in this venture you pursue?
I love just meeting new people and hanging with minitruckers
she didn't at first, it grew on her after she met some of my friends from groundscrapers in New Hampshire, now she wants her own
and her first show she started to understand the love I have for my truck and custom vehicles and that it wasn't only me
So when did u move from NH and what was going on at groundscapers?
Well I joined groundscrapers a while ago and one of my friends runs the pa chapter, i kinda got outta the whole club thing, but I met some cool people from New Hampshire and been to a bunch of shows with them, they come down here for my wedding and all very cool people
they inspire me a lil and keep me going, one particular guy is Dan Mayhew he has been a good friend and seems all of them guys can build some cool stuff
Yeah I think its important to surround yourself with people they can do that, keep you going and help you out when you need it
We have a lot in common, and since I don't have many people around here if I ever need help I just call him if I have a question and there always there
So now that your truck is built do you work on it much?
I do kinda, I've had a real bad 2 years
in the past 10 months I've got more done than past 4 years
2 years ago my house burned down
Last year I fell and broke some disks in back, torn muscles, and got nerve damage due to a fall
I used to have a stereo shop and a guy I had working for me was selling wheels and keeping money behind my back so it put me in a bind and tried and tried to keep my business going but to much for nothing
working 6-7 a week to work off a debt and be in debt at home wasn't worth the headaches you know, and not spending time with my family
sorry for venting man
I guess you'll see the real me lol, just I put 100% into everything I have and do, and wanna be know for my work and be the best at something and every time when I feel I'm ahead a step, i have to take 3 back
Sounds like you really have had a lot to go through the past few yrs. its great to hear about your passions though, does all of these experiences really fuel your desires and MTing is really your outlet?
Ive always tried my hardest at everything, always tried to be different and mintrucking inspires me to be better at something, but also stay on top of my game. Its just building stuff ive always been an audio designer, fiber-glassing and building unique installs, just never the clientele nor location I live will better that now I build stuff on here for my Mazdas and have people all over country knowing my work and seeing my creativity.
I want to move to Pitt so open a new shop, and live closer to my favorite football team lol and maybe have a better opportunity
Ha that would be awesome... Go Steelers!
So u have a daily SUV, whats your daily job?
I build kick panels, door panels, dashes, consoles on MBS
I technically allowed to work, but I have to keep occupied and what else, glassin stuff
sosa's fiberglass creations
Oh ok, so that fall put you on disability im guessing?
It did but im not receiving money or ssi
I could be in alaska and ill glass a snow sled for a eskimo lol
might take awhile to dry though lol
ive worked on so much stuff I never get time to work on my own, I used to have a 15 car garage now I have one that would barely fit my truck, so I have it covered up outside so I can still do work for income
its either or truck in garage or money in bank ?
Haha, I would think so too. So you kind of a stay at home dad too?
Yeah im mrs doubtfire, my wife works in nursing, since my accident she works almost 100 hours of overtime in 2 weeks since January I cook and straighten up and my daughter helps clean lol
and I get up every morning and cook for my lil boy, put him on bus everyday
help with school work you name it lol
Thats awesome, I think most dudes deny being an at home dad, but I think it would be sweet
Im not ashamed though, im the dad I never had
Wow, that speaks a lot about you
Its tough mentally, and knowing wife is bread winner right now but, if I can be a good dad, knowing im trying is all I can do
so that why its hard to work on my truck a lot plus therapy 3 x a week
How old are your kids?
5 yr old boy jayden and 13 tomorrow daughter brittany
he keeps me on my toes lmao
Haha, I would think so.
my friend sparky helps me out a lot with work around here, when I cant hes been a good friend
So how did you stumble upon MBS?
My freind d'ro that just joined, had told me about it back in sept so I joined and realized that this site was really cool, and met a lot of cool people
once your on here on chat you tend to understand people personally and I realize a lot of people enjoy there minis because its theirs, it a hobby that they can get away in the garage and leave everything behind
Yeah I feel ya there
Well man, its been a pleasure chatting but I think I got enough content. is there anything else you want to say?
Working on minis isnt just a hobby its like a part of daily life, just getting a new part is like xmas every time its like the only thing you can do alone and not get bored
I want to say thank you, and thank all the guys on MBS thats about it.

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