Well since I am one of the only people running this compressor, I will give some updates. I have had mine now for about four months, I bought it when my Thomas 4101(the big Thomas) went out, the salesman at FBI told me he would go with it instead of the Thomas. In the time that I have had it there has been about 4 times that I have ran it from 0-140 PSI, and it takes no more than 1 minute 30 seconds, and that's on a seven gallon tank. I would tell anyone to buy this compressor. Just to give you a idea on the speed, the Thomas compressor that I had would take 2 minutes 30 seconds to fill the same tank. I would put money on this compressor out working 2 Viar 450's, plus it is cheaper than 2 450's. As far as the weather goes, it finially rained here on Sunday for about an hour, and I have my compressor under my bed(behind my rollpan), and it didn't effect it at all, I used it 4 times while in the rain. I guess that's it for now, if anyone else has any questions just ask.