Today after work i got in my car & hit the switches. Well is raised up pretty slow, so i figured the tank was low on air, no biggie. Well i let the Tomas Compressor run for like 10 min & i still couldn't get the car any higher than what i started with, but i wasn't losing any air pressure. It just felt like i had hardly any pressure in the tank. So i get to my parents house to investigate. I unhooked the compressor to check the air flow & it seemed fine. check the lines leading all the way up to the tank & still no problems. Checked for leaks & i only found a small leak for the gauge, no biggie. Then i took apart the valves & found some build up on the pistons (i guess you could call them that) inside the valves. So i cleaned them up & added some air tool oil. Still im having this problem & now i can't even get the car off the ground. im frustraited with it so i figured i would get some other opinions