I would like for everyone to please keep my dad in your prayers. About 2:30 AMthe day after Christmas my dad and my brother were in a serious car accident.They were about 40 miles from Charleston where my dad lives. My brother wasreleased from the hospital later that day but did suffer a fractured rib and somebroken facial bones. My dad is in very serious condition, though. He went infor surgery about 6:00 AM that morning and didn't come out until about 2:30that afternoon. He is in ICU right now. He suffered 2 broken bones inhis right leg, a broken bone in his left leg, a crushed ankle and heel on hisright side, some fractured ribs, a broken nose, a fractured sternum, and somebroken vertebrae. At first the doctor's were saying that they were unsure theywould be able to save his right leg but now they are 95% confident that hewill walk normal again. He will be unable to walk at all for about 3 or 4months, though. I called at lunchtime today and talked to the nurse and shesaid he is still on a respirator because he has some lung damage. He is veryresponsive, though, thank the Lord. Just pray that his recovery goes well.My dad drives a truck for a living, so this is not onlyphysically debilitating, but is also taking a huge toll on his career. Iappreciate your thoughts and prayers.