Jon Dugan (JDugan4859)
What he didn't get that he paid for was the done job that you said he was gonna get in, and no where near the time you said it was gonna take. You think he is happy about the fact he you told him it was gonna take 2 months, and it took 10, and still isnt done?
No you see it doesnt work that way with Mike...Its no big deal..Its ok if you have to find rides everyday to work...or have to go by another car over this..I mean its no money out of his pocket. Why would he care. Everyone owes Mike a favor or two. And if you havent served your time with him already than he is after your favor. I mean he looks at this as a Investment. You Invest and you lose. Its ok if you send him your money and play it like a casino...YOU DONT KNOW IF YOU WILL WIN!! He could just hold on to your hard earned money for 4-5 to 12 months..and then think about a refund or sending some parts...Which just costed you more grief than its worth..Especially when you can go to places like Kustomwerks..Who are MORE THAN HAPPY to take your money And in Return will GIVE YOU FUCKING PARTS!
Mike and his shitty business is nothing..and is gonna be a complete faluire. His CREDIT IS FUCKED..He admitted that.( But always has a excuse of why)..Once again Mike never fucks up..That nigga is like the Chuck Norris threads. His business is HIGH RISK. Thats why his company is so fucked. No Bank or nothing is gonna help his ass out of any hole or him. Look how much he lies on here and avoids peoples ?'s. He purposely avoids questions,and purposely never awnsers people. He is a running.He is scared.It shows.Now anybody that buys from him after reading his threads. Well thats your own fault.You have been warned.