Niacin = you can get hives if you don't eat before you take it
Cranberry juice, you can pound down a 1 gallon bottle and your golden. Tried and true. I have been smoking herb since the 7th grade, I know my weed and techniques for passing piss tests. If you don't want to take the drink, go au natural and get a condom, have a clean buddy piss in that fucker, tie it up, then step on a thumbtack in your sole of your shoe, and then go in to take the piss test with the condom and pee strapped up under yours nuts to keep it at body temp, yeah, you'll need tighty whiteys for this part, and then go in and pull that thumbtack out of your shoe, push it through one end of the condom and walla, you can empty it out in the container, put the rest in the toilet, remember, no flushing, and then wrap the condom back up with TP once drained, and stuff it again and roll out, then dispose of condom once out of office.
Thats my method and I do it every time. Never had problems and much better than buying a drink, hell its FREE. Should I write a tutorial? lol
-Jared Oeltjen