Orange Smoothie
For one it's spelled Skandalous INC...
I did only end up making 5 total designs... two were my own...
The ones from the contest used were:
The Amusement park design...
The Cemetary Design...
The kiddie urinal design...
Heres the story guys... i had an idea to start a new style of minitruck inspired clothing, i came on here had the contest everything was going great, then in the time between the contest, having KEG do the awesome artwork, and having the shirts made, 40 other companys decided to cash in on that idea... i'm a business man and it was obvious that the "minitruck clothing market" became flooded so yes i didn't go any further with the line...
BUT don't get all worked up... heres the deal... To the 3 people that designed the designs i DID use... RE-PM me your info (yes i know you already have a few times)... I will not only send you out TWO of the shirts with your own design but i'll also toss a few others in... i wasn't trying to screw anyone over... sorry for how things went down guys...
Uncle Luke