i got a Razr collecting dust in my desk drawer... good phone, but I like my Blackberry..
what service is the Razr with? i have verizon and i broke my antenna so i need a new phone, anyone have any older phones they wanna part with that i can use with verizon?
^^^ yea, I hear alot of good stuff about that fone and since everyone (well, almost everyone) has a RAZR or SLVR, I will be different and probably end up with the Sony. They look alot better in my opinions also
the blade from sprint gets good reception it looks like the razr but it is 100 times better the razr gets dust under the screen real bad and you cant see the damn screen anymore
i liked my black razr v3 but i broke it so now i need a new phone. i have a rogers plan for 3 more years and was wondering about the unlocked phones on ebay what do i have to look for and how do they work? do i just use my sim card out of my old razr or what? anyone know