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General Discussion \  New Guy from Iowa

New Guy from Iowa

General Discussion
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replies 24
following 8
bigcow94   +1y
different strokes for different folks i guess. it bugs the hell out of me to see wiring just laying every which way and butt connectors everywhere, could be worse, there could be scotch locks on everything lol. just wait till i show you guys the mess of metal that has been added with nothing more then glorified chicken poop to hold on the link tabs and what not
big bear   +1y
wow man....i can only imagine the quality welds lol
big daddy caddy   +1y
Welcome to the site.
bigcow94   +1y
well here's some of the quality welds. who ever did the notch did a good job but thats about where it ends. its nothing that can't be fixed. i was also gonna ask if anyone had some pictures of their four link setups on a square body? i've come to realize that there isn't a ton of traffic on this site so maybe i should be posting my suspension questions in the suspension section huh? anyway here's a couple of pics.
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big bear   +1y
thanks for the pics. well, it doesnt look to bad man. like you said, it can be fixed. as far as traffic goes on here, its on and off. it picks up more in the fall and winter, as more people are chilling around the house. this is my fav site. im on here every chance i have. even if im just reading old threads ect. how are you wanting to do your link ? you plan on towing ?
bigcow94   +1y
well i was thinking of just doing a triangulated four link while keeping the bags on the lower bars. both fuel tanks are long gone and the bed already has a gaping hole in it so space isn't really an issue. i see a lot of guys on here seem to be running a two link with a pan hard bar as well. i've thought about going this route also but my lower link bar bushings are shot and the arms arn't nearly as long as i'd like. just curious to see how other guys did their set up. also i'm looking for some ideas on where/how to redo the rear shock situation as well.
comegetsome   +1y
heres a few pics of mine...just a simple canti 2 not running a panhard bar either...i had one on it and was getting a ton of side ways pull at full lift....getting less than 1/4 inch s2s without one....having it welded solid and a good front bushing will keep it pretty front bushing is actually a front leaf spring bushing outta a 2002 silverado....along with the front hanger outta same truck....also shocks are mounted front link bar to side of notch....simple and bulletproof for what i need
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cowboyprotectionunit   +1y
Notta Big Fan Of The Slammed Trucks But I Can Appreciate the Work Required To Make a Good One... But That's Off the Subject... Where at in Iowa (I may have Missed it) Would ya be Located
bigcow94   +1y
come get some. your set up is almost identical to what i have now, minus how the shocks are mounted. i've cycled the system up and down a bunch of times and mine doesn't get a ton of side to side action either. i was just thinking of all the pinion angle change that happens. but i'm in the same boat as you, i don't need to make it do crazy side to side and what not, just up and down.

i'm in oxford ia, it's about 15-20 miles west of iowa city and coralvile. lived in the area my whole life. had to get out of iowa city pronto, we couldn't stand all of the college students and house partys. now we live in a town of 700 and people ride everything from their horse to their riding lawnmower down to the bars.
cowboyprotectionunit   +1y
I'm From a Small Town 726..... In Northeastern NE...... Beemer, NE.. I Ironically I know Exactly Where ya are..... I have Relatives From Vinton, Ia and they kids from that family have moved to that area LOL as for the Horse's and Lawn Tractors to the Bar..... Been there Done that and Know guys who've gotten DUI's on BOTH lol