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Body work and Paint \  Self Etching Primer VS. Epoxy Primer

Self Etching Primer VS. Epoxy Primer

Body work and Paint Q & A
views 2972
replies 13
following 13
dp90 is an epoxy primer its just the black color. they have different colors dp46 or 45 i believe is white. theres grey blue green etc. i like to use white or grey whatevers more in stock at the time since the k36 i use is white aswell
scrapinranger   +1y
OK here is the real deal on all of this. You should use the PPG DP if you plan on stripping it down and not doing anything to the body for at least a week because that stuff takes a minimum of 3 days to cross-link with the metal, them just scrath up the suface a little before you do body work or prime with a red scotch brite or something similar in grit. Now if you plan on doing something the next day or so use a self etching primer such as PPG dpx 170/171 or dx1791 then prime with either PPG k36/38 or I prefer PPG dps 3055. I dont personaly like the ncp line because it has the tendancy to shrink, I am not trying to start trouble because everyone has thier own way but that is the basics of an epoxy vs. self etch. I hope that is helpfull.
KEEF   +1y
I use Southern Polyurethane Epoxy on all bare metal before any filler/bodywork. Seals it up and builds good as well so u can block it find low spots then do filler work then i like to prime again with it block again then urethane prime/block as normal.

and heres a good tutorial on badass paintjob
90maz   +1y
i like using epoxy primer to cut cost on product you can use the epoxy as a sealer before basecoat you get two products out of one can but it realy come's down you using both and seeing witch one you like there is no end all be all answer as to one way being right or wrong it's personal prefernce it cost a bit but play with both and see what you like to use