Originally posted by low mazda
i have come to the conclusion I want about a 12x5 inch piece on my lower leg in the form of a tattoo, one of you guys shoot me some prices on how much you would design me a piece about that size..
hit me up with an email. I'll be able to pinstripe your design out on a glass piece in a frame, digitize it and you'll have a digital version to print out and take to your tat artist. that way you'll have a real piece done up of your tat to have in your house or office. hit me up and i'll give ya some prices....
Originally posted by i drg bdy
i'd say around $50. might not be much profit, but if you can produce them efficiently and inexpensively, then you are gold!
i like how it's on glass, so you could still have a photo in the frame. like a collage of photos of your truck, then have the pinstiping in the middle or around it.
oh ya, i've already got someone getting a rendering done and then a pinstriped frame for it to be in to match. the ideas are endless, i just want to hear what everyone wants so i know what to produce. i can do this all day long i just want to know what people will buy and not just my ideas sitting in my room
Originally posted by rsnhesupallnite
I'd say about 75-80 for something that elaborate. smaller less elaborate designs, probly starting at 40. People need to remember how much time actually goes into striping. Not to mention the supplies aren't exactly cheap. I do some striping too so I can apreciate it.
I agree, i can do the small things like 'alienwerks' there in about 20 minutes also. they're small quick and simple, but i am more into the more elaborate shit, this one i've posted has 3 custom mixed colors in it and took about 3 hours with the drying time. So when the first person said $30 i was pretty shocked at what people think this stuff is worth. I'd strait stop selling them if people only would pay that much, i'd keep em all to myself and cover my house with em for all i care. but thanks for the input.
i've also got several different ones that are less complex. i was thinking of selling them for cheaper anyway, but this is a more elaborate one that i thought would draw a lil more attention, but it's up to you guys, it's your the ones that'll be hanging em up too