Well, I advertised it on here for almost 3 years, started with fenders, hood, bed and bumper for 800 obo.
Then fenders bed and hood for 600.
Then fenders bed for 500.
then fenders and bed for 400.
I think it was 300 for jim, but it may have been 350. All the guys that posted "I WANT 4X4 SHEETMETAL" would disappear when I told them I had some. In fact, no offense to Jim, but when he told me he was coming to get it I didnt even bother pulling the fenders off my truck because so many guys had jerked my chain for so long. Then he showed up and I was like "oh, crap". Haha we pulled the fenders off together. Nice guy that Jim.
So I duunno where the big market would be, but it sure aint SSM, or even Mazda B scene because I had it for sale over there too and it was the same thing, guys saying "whos got it" and me saying "I got it" and then nothing but crickets chirping.