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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  My 99 Civic Si 18 Day build

My 99 Civic Si 18 Day build

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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91 drggn dime   +1y
Originally posted by Blue Sol

Originally posted by 91 drggn dime

i think its ugly.. personally.. i'm from your area and i'm not into the import shit. that looks like a mix between a wannabe custom and wannabe ricer trying to be tuner. and i know the difference, i was into hondas for years

Ahh then you would know a b20 vtec doesn't just fit right in and you would also know Civics don't come with 10" subs fiberglassed in the back seat too huh

Explain to me how this is a wannabe custom?

Also how am I a ricer and how is it not a tuner?

I know that a cr/vtec doesnt come in a civic. and y0 smart one.. it does bolt right in. Your civic comes with a b16a2, the cr/vtec is just a b-series non-vtec bottom end with a vtec head on it. It bolts right into your car. The head and block has a few things done to mate the two, yes.

you're right, they dont come with 10" subs.. hell my tow pig has 2 10" subs in it, i guess its a custom too huh?

how is it a ricer and not a tuner? if you have to ask that, then you know absolutely nothing about a tuner or ricer. If you were a tuner, then you'd know the trunk (which isnt 1 off.. that shit is very common), your lambo doors and your rims, would get you laughed at, hard. A tuner is a CLEAN car with a clean look. They are in it for speed, so they run light weight 15's, 16's at most for handling, their cr/vtec would be loaded with a few badass parts, which yours isnt. If you knew anything about performance.. well honda performance, then you'd know the stock honda FPR is good to 350fwhp and the stock spark plug wires, cap and ignition is good to 350fwhp or 10k rpms. Also the only quality engine part is your flywheel.. everything else is no-name.. and sorry, k&n dont make the 'good stuff' for your car.

need i go on on the differences? i was a tuner for years and ran around with the big tuners of dallas.. including honda heaven's owner Allen in his 6XX+ fwhp gsr powered hatch.. that still ran stock cams and was street driven 90% of the time.
Blue Sol   +1y
Again so it does't just bolt right in now does it have to modify pistons also have to make oil line to block for vtec.

Your tow pig has 2 10" fiberglassed in the backseat?

my trunk shows the screen that my audio sponser wanted to b shown which is a diffrent md not a door hinge like most kids out there.

My cars doesn't get laughed at hard just people tryin to hate like yourself but it's funny to me more peopl like it lol

Ans since you know honada's you would know a lowered Honda on 17" wheels handles better on a skid pad as well because of swat bar and suspension but you should already know that right yes stock parts are good up untill that horespwer but it can't be adjusted in anyway to advance timing or increase fuel maps etc base tune on my car with the setup as it sets in 200 hp you find another b20 with my same minmul mods and let me know if it's the same power untuned but you should know since your a HONDA SUPER TUNER and all lol

k&n don't make good stuff for my car lol

doesn't is the word your lookin for and yes there intake is one of the better setus for my car lol everything else is no name lol on my engine parts ha ha ha you really have no idea about anything go see what parts hold the highest power go search around on the net. You really have no idea about parts you only no Company names which shows your truly no nothing ha ha good job on reading a honda tuneing magazine my friend doesn't show me anything. Rock it till the wheels fall off lol

You really have no room to talk look at what you drive and you try and hate on me nah man Haters are your number one fan lol keep hatin

locaddy   +1y
Im not hating on anyone but c'mon man this is whats in your profile

Obviously you are just a hater TRYING to have a mini truck to be like all the "cool" people on here. Yeah you got bags... you think you could sell that truck for half of what that civic would sell for?

Clean car man, dont let the posers bug you.
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jcampbell1180   +1y
Potter =
FluffyFreak   +1y
bro i absolutly hate civics becuase of all the dumbass kids runnin round my hometown with em all riced out and hella slow. i will however give credit where credit is due. you gotyourself one badass civic man dont sweat that potter retard he probably got his chick snatched from him by a dude ina civic like yours so now he hates on em. only thing i say you do is rod that bitch and drag it at 100 mph
ShavedClean96Accord   +1y
Edited: 8/18/2006 11:21:36 AM by ShavedClean96Accord

"need i go on on the differences? i was a tuner for years and ran around with the big tuners of dallas.. including honda heaven's owner Allen in his 6XX+ fwhp gsr powered hatch.. that still ran stock cams and was street driven 90% of the time."

Just because you claim to be around them, doesn't mean you know shit about 'tuner vs. ricer'.

K&N makes quality parts, for damn near anything they look into. They have the testing to prove it, as well.

Oh, and that truck looks like a SHOWSTOPPER!

Seriously, it's time to go headbutt a bullet.
fletch   +1y
Jeez Cost at least the s-10 was at SEMA, not like your piece of crap SI!
Blue Sol   +1y
Edited: 8/18/2006 11:34:12 AM by Blue Sol

LOL HA HA HA Yeah this piece of a civic was at sema in the accesories building the main building in SEMA hummmm

John Nissan   +1y
Originally posted by kadillakstyle

Im not hating on anyone but c'mon man this is whats in your profile

Obviously you are just a hater TRYING to have a mini truck to be like all the "cool" people on here. Yeah you got bags... you think you could sell that truck for half of what that civic would sell for?

Clean car man, dont let the posers bug you.

You need a tow pig for that?? Is that to tow that house around in the back?
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