91 drggn dime
Originally posted by Blue Sol
Originally posted by 91 drggn dime
i think its ugly.. personally.. i'm from your area and i'm not into the import shit. that looks like a mix between a wannabe custom and wannabe ricer trying to be tuner. and i know the difference, i was into hondas for years
Ahh then you would know a b20 vtec doesn't just fit right in and you would also know Civics don't come with 10" subs fiberglassed in the back seat too huh
Explain to me how this is a wannabe custom?
Also how am I a ricer and how is it not a tuner?
I know that a cr/vtec doesnt come in a civic. and y0 smart one.. it does bolt right in. Your civic comes with a b16a2, the cr/vtec is just a b-series non-vtec bottom end with a vtec head on it. It bolts right into your car. The head and block has a few things done to mate the two, yes.
you're right, they dont come with 10" subs.. hell my tow pig has 2 10" subs in it, i guess its a custom too huh?
how is it a ricer and not a tuner? if you have to ask that, then you know absolutely nothing about a tuner or ricer. If you were a tuner, then you'd know the trunk (which isnt 1 off.. that shit is very common), your lambo doors and your rims, would get you laughed at, hard. A tuner is a CLEAN car with a clean look. They are in it for speed, so they run light weight 15's, 16's at most for handling, their cr/vtec would be loaded with a few badass parts, which yours isnt. If you knew anything about performance.. well honda performance, then you'd know the stock honda FPR is good to 350fwhp and the stock spark plug wires, cap and ignition is good to 350fwhp or 10k rpms. Also the only quality engine part is your flywheel.. everything else is no-name.. and sorry, k&n dont make the 'good stuff' for your car.
need i go on on the differences? i was a tuner for years and ran around with the big tuners of dallas.. including honda heaven's owner Allen in his 6XX+ fwhp gsr powered hatch.. that still ran stock cams and was street driven 90% of the time.