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General Discussion \  enough BULLSHIT


General Discussion
views 2946
replies 16
following 8
pig rig   +1y
Well now we know we're every one stands politicely let's get this bus back on track and wright about ass draging dually if some one needs to rant and rave about something that will get every one's tit in a ringer you might want to take your soap box to a differnt park and yes I'm just as guilty as everyone

so with that said have a nice day
now that I'm in a twist I'm going to find some poor bastard to takeit out on
jcampbell1180   +1y
Whats the big deal? All the ranting is posted in an off-topic forum. Isn't that what it's for? If enough people get butt-hurt and stop posting on the topic, it will fizzle out take care of itself. I can't speak for everyone, but I know I'm a big boy and I can choose when to post and when to ignore a post.

This is a forum where a bunch of guys who have similar interests can get together and talk about anything they want. At least thats my interpritation. We may not always agree with each other, but when you start censoring people in an off-topic forum, in my opinion, everyone looses.

Whenever you talk about politics, things get heated. Eric stepped out and posted his opinon even though the majority disagreed with it. I think that's rad. I applaud him. I don't agree with his opinion, but I still respect him. Tell you the truth, I'm kinda ashamed that I came off like I did. You don't see him crying about it. He manned up and said something about it. He's got my respect.

Again, Eric, I'm sorry man.

At the end of the day were all truckers, mini-truckers, whatever. Point is, even though we disagree, if he needed help, I'd be the first to help him. Period.
acrohotdawg   +1y
well its not only my opinion , its an everyday thing in my life , but youre right in many ways about the situation , and the facts are the facts regardless of what anyone says,we all knowthat . but i would rather come to this site and discuss trucks and the scene more than arguing with my fellow truckers about politics, but thats just me
jcampbell1180   +1y

Well, maybe you guys have a point.
bdydrped   +1y
the point is at the end of the day we all would like a cold beer and a couple hours spent in the garage.

if you guys make it to any shows im at and find me the beer is free outta my cooler, just help yourself.   +1y

So you going to showfest?

If there's beer left in the cooler anyone here is welcome to it also. If there's no beer left. Go buy some put some in the cooler and then you can have one.
1fastlx   +1y
quit bitchin or I'll hijack ur thread!!!!!!!!!!!!! jihad bitches
liljlowrider   +1y
can you guys put a list of the shows you guys are going too because if i can just drink your beer that would save me alot of money and could go to more shows thanks for your help you dually guys are bad ass...............
pig rig   +1y
Gohead hijack the f&*k out of this thred
I like free beer it helps pay for gas and once I turn in the truck load of cans I should have enough money to drive out your way for more beer
also can I have the emptys? so I can get home
low95xlt   +1y
hmm beer who said HI jack?? ok enuf Political lets see some biatchs bags bodydrops and beer, and in not particuliair order but all together is might y nice