Originally posted by OGDOUGHBOY
Originally posted by BigJay43
Originally posted by joeeichberger
down at indy truck bash me and my friends were talking to this black guy that just walked up into our hotel room, and we asked him if he liked the low trucks everywhere. He basically told us that shits for fags or something like that, but what he did like was the big rims at the show. Especially the 30's. he then told us that he wouldn't be caught dead ridin 30's, because the drug dealers in indy don't like it when you ride anything smaller than a 34's.We didn't know what to say.He also asked us why 10 people were living in an apartment together (hotel room) and why we didn't have a house like him.
Im looking for one of those smileys that are laughing so hard thier crying but i cant find one at the moment. Guess he never realzied 30's are as big as they get for now..eerr least i think so anyway. "Shit nigga i got 30's on my toaster and thieeer spinnin thier spinnin! lol
is this the smiley you were lookin for
that would be correct...swizzle lol thanks dough