the white one has a toyota front frame clip and an rx7 irs, thats the way to go with a ranger becsue a toy clip uses the same bolt pattern, as well as an rx7 irs, the older rangers seem to have a lower hood then the newer ones wich the while one is and the black one has the older fenders, the white one is obvioulsy that much lower jut from looking at the fender clearence. it may lay body but it is still not as low as the white one...i am personally not a fan of a chevy motor in a ford but if making new motor mounts was to hard then i guess cool. kinda makes the truck seem half ass when you say somehting like that, regardless everything it is one of few rangers laying on 22s i guess, good luck with the finishing touches,,,,and for the record having tublar arms measn nothing and the white one has the stock toyota arms