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General Discussion \  lockone, i hear you are the guy that can answer this.

lockone, i hear you are the guy that can answer this.

General Discussion
views 12367
replies 53
following 13
redirwol1   +1y

Dont be hatin nigga. I already knew he wasnt going to. I just thought it wouldnt hurt to ask just in case.
jcampbell1180   +1y
I just wanted to set the record straight. We've been having a burst of newbies lately (not that theres anything wrong with that) and I took the oportunity to make it clear just how things work around here.

Most of us "senior members" despise Streetsource, etc because of all the malarchy that goes on there. Not to mention all the smart-ass kids. We don't need any of that pushy bull crap 'round here.

Think of Dually Scene as our refuge. Were all buddys, we all help each other, we joke about stuff, and we all give each other hell. But you gotta earn the right.

Look at it this way. Some dude pops in here with less than 10 posts and starts hassling one of the "locals". Well, that crap isn't gonna go unatteneded. At least not by me.

So, be chill, introduce yourself, take some of the harasment, and before you know it, your one of the guys.

Don't get pushy. You want to be a punk, do it on SSM, FSC, etc.

No hard feelings.
guilty by design   +1y

Was that our first official e-battle of the site?
liljlowrider   +1y
daaaaang is right i think we just witnessed our first stand off and looks like a veteran won!!! hey lock let me see if the boss(wife) will let me go ahead and get my adptrs... ill get back with you
redirwol1   +1y

Completely understood. I guess i might have not typed my reply good enough. I was in a hurry out the door. I was just messing around completely. missed a smiley or laughy face in there or something. My bad. Me no E-thug nor do I mean any disrespect at all. After all, I am a newbie. lol
billy t.   +1y
heh... you guys call that drama?

I didn't see anything... Dude took it extremely well and moved on.
dragnasty   +1y
Finished! lets really Hijack this thread!

I like panda bears....
liljlowrider   +1y

hey me too drag.. i bet you dont have any panda bear pajamas ....
pig rig   +1y
I won a teddy at a strip club with a big furry panda on the front
I gave it to my girl freind at the time for a christmas present

that went over like a bad fart in church
guilty by design   +1y
Fuck panda bears!