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General Discussion \  Almost ready for paint!

Almost ready for paint!

General Discussion
views 4275
replies 27
following 9
pig rig   +1y
you might want to round that off to an even 10,000sf add on
liljlowrider   +1y
ok ok i can pay at least 59.50 a week ... come on you gotta work with me here..
boilermaker   +1y
Damn broke mini truckers!!! lol

I need to sell this thing for sure now. I just drug home another 69 Camaro and I am already building 2 others. plus 3 customers. I am not gonna have time or money to finish it. I think 10g's is a steal. Considering the truck books for aroudn $12K, plus the $7K worth of wheels and tires
liljlowrider   +1y
where exactly are you located... i have a friend that is looking for a truck to buy for real
guilty by design   +1y

Tell me about it. Me and dad were building our 40'x100' shop and at the end of the day when we had the structure up we stood back and thought we would never fill it up.
jcampbell1180   +1y

dragnasty   +1y
He lives right around the corner from me.....a 30 minute

He's in southwest ga
boilermaker   +1y
yeah goo dole southwest GA, in a very little town of Coolidge!!