Sorry, I wasnt being an ass, I speak directly so there is hopefully no confusion. It apparently didnt work.
That car must get crappy mileage, even at 20 mpg its still under 300 bucks at 2.55 a gallon (national average) for 2000 miles (my estimate, I dont know where in fl she lives). In fact its 2000miles/20mpg=100 gallons for the trip, at 2.55 its 255 bucks. So I was off 55 bucks roughly, not 250-300. Even tip of fl to almost west edge of az is ~2400 miles by mapquest, thats 300 bucks exactly, still figuring at 20mpg, and most cars will beat that easily. 25mpg the 2400 mile trip is $244. 30mpg (thats what my daily 3300 lb car gets on the highway) makes that 2400 in
But I get what you are saying too. If it were me I would drive it and sleep at the truck stops. Women dont understand that though, you are right she would want hotels and fancy meals. Once I drove a 72 BMW back from Orlando to Wichita in 24 hrs flat at 4400 rpm, with a bag of beef jerky and a broken radio.