no hydroboost just the normal crud...
..heres a cuple pics, the doors and fenders are not adjusted and bolted up tight so dont be hating on my panel gaps haha but u get the idea
the floors and door sills were in pritty bad shape so i cut out all the rust and patch it up, and desided to make new front floor pans while i was at really only has a 2 and 2/3 inch traditinal BD even tho the step is like 5 inch becuz of the rust repair
and just to be an assface i'm thinking about running this giant big rig tank(just gotta clean all the desiel out of it
oh yeah and i dont have my lower bag brackets or watts link bracket on yet in that pic
i still have a ton of work to do b4 it's drivable but it's going in the direction i want it to.... i love the ruggid work truck look of this beast