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General Discussion \  OK its time

OK its time

General Discussion
views 9021
replies 52
following 16
pig rig   +1y
This is my two cents
over the last month all the treads have had a lot of post whore'n going on. witch I don't have a problem with (yesI'm one of the worst). but here's what I see as a problem that needs to be niped in the ass. every topic has a page or more of gay and fag referance, and I don't care if you want to call each other a fag, or what have you. it's the fucking in the ass that get's old and the nasty ass pictures being posted if you want to share photo's like that this is not the place for it.I don't care to see shit blowing out some chicks ass or to see some guys huge ass toad.don't get me wrong I can be just a descusting as the next guy, or worst. and yes, I've posted some pretty nasty things but some of us have been pushing the envelope a little hard. so I guess what I'M saying is it's time to grow up kids were not out in the barn looking at uncle chucks nudy mag's here

I don't care if you all agree with me or not. and I don't care if you think I'm being a fucking hyporite. all I know is it needs to come to an end NOW
lester622   +1y
. are u talkin about pocs like this ? ....................
krewzlo   +1y
Pig Rig for President
liljlowrider   +1y
some of the pics have been really bad
krewzlo   +1y
Another suggestion to add to pigs,

no more using the word "OWNED"

Played out like vanilla ice. It seems lately that at least once in every topic somebody posts it. We get the point by reading the topic.
lester622   +1y
ya i admit some of the pics lately are nasty and disgustin especially the gay men ones .............. is this gonna start getting like ssm where we gonna cry and bitch about everything?
onefasthoagie   +1y
lets hope not! i'm all for thread hi-jacking and useless photo's, but this is a bit out of hand.
dropemlow   +1y
i appologize but it was funny at the moment
onefasthoagie   +1y

thats why the designers of this forum decided to give you an "edit" button for then you change your mind! lol.
dropemlow   +1y
i did change it`