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General Discussion \  OK its time

OK its time

General Discussion
views 9020
replies 52
following 16
dragnasty   +1y
someone found some smiley's.....
onefasthoagie   +1y

notice how the smiley guy isn't yellow....hummm.
balcar   +1y

why are there no trully white smillies?
maz89   +1y
we've reached the point of no return......
dropemlow   +1y
i would think so ur gonna get made fun of im postin that pic everywehre lol jjkjkj
lester622   +1y
ya y is there no white smilies that racist if there was no black ones jesse and sharpton would be already protestin ............ wats up wit that shit?
balcar   +1y
white male is the minority..... and if they say anything, they are racist, so I won't say anything anymore.
pig rig   +1y
this electronic box that sets in front of us is so full of porn ,gay, and just plain gross shit that we don't need a nother site full of that crap

now that I'm getting off my soap box you all can whore this post up

AND F Y I if you were to look at my history on my computer its all dually scene and porn sites so if I want to look at porn I will, but if I'm on DS I'm not in the mood for porn