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General Discussion
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baha   +1y
First I would to start off by saying that for the most part DuallyScene is one of my favorite websites because of the atmosphere. Everyone seems really friendly. No one gets their ego hurt over little words, and no one has to claim to be the master know it all of trucks.

Now having said that it’s obvious that I need to say something, and maybe it’s been long overdue.

Post Whoring – I understand how much fun it can be, and I agree with the others that is has been a little overwhelming lately but I know it’s all for fun. I never have said anything in the past because I knew eventually people would get tired of it.

Vendor Section - There is NO post whoring in the vendor section. Serious questions & concerns only. It’s disrespectful to post random comments in their forums. Our vendors are businesses and they help support the site. I do hope that they are not turned off on this website, but I can understand.

Girl Pictures on this site – I guess this is brought up a lot, more recently. In my opinion seeing pictures of half naked women posted give the site a trashy image. My self like some of you want to be able to look at this website no matter if I’m with my family, friends, work, or at school with out having the fear of some picture coming up that I don’t want them to see. To make it easier there are to be no more pictures of girls posted unless it’s your family. If you want to see pictures of naked or half naked girls and trucks there is a site devoted to that named Go there.

You guys seem to notice I don’t post much, and I don’t. There are some great websites that I feel were ruined by Admins and Moderators that were always on power trips, so I just read and try to keep up the best I can. But if there is anything, or anyone that is offensive to you feel free to bring it to my attention, I will get it resolved. I am glad to say that I have never had to ban anyone.

As for the Post whoring, what are your thoughts of rules that we can agree on as fair? I want to make this website the best I can, and I know I can’t please everyone but I want to try my best so let’s hear your thoughts. And are there any more issues that need addressed?
dragnasty   +1y
I think that everyone is entitled to a response to the post as long as it is refering to the post. All the smiley replys are getting old and it sucks for us that only check in 2 or 3 times a day to have to go through 3 pages of nonsense just to find out what the post is saying. Everyone should have fun and I have no problem with one liner posts. We're all here to joke around and have fun and I have no problem with that. Thats one reson I love this site, Ive made friends and we can pick on each other all day long without offending each other or stepping on someones toes. No one gets called a hater and gets jumped on about their rides....except campys taurus of course......
lockone   +1y
Well said...
I think the whoring thing can be maintained by just having alittle control and maybe a CHATROOM...
Just my .02
baha   +1y
Well said Chase

Trevor I think your right I will get the chatroom up tonight! Alan can you remind me if I see this?

Keep the thoughts coming guys!
jcampbell1180   +1y


I love this site, and truly do consider most of you my friends. I think for the most part, we were pretty much self-governing until lately. Unfortunately, it it all came to a pretty ugly head.

If I offended anyone by my "bitch" post this morning, tough. I don't believe in tiptoeing around the issues. If I have a problem with somebody, I'll call you out. I think that's the most honorable way to deal with something, and I would expect the same if somebody's got an issue with me. I'm not talking about starting some bullshit fistfight, I just believe in putting it all out there on the table. You don't agree, speak up. This is America.

Sometimes you just need to stop the madness and call attention to a few things.

Things have gotten WAY out of hand lately. I DON'T EXCLUDE MYSELF FROM THIS. However, in light of this past weekend, I think things will settle down on their own.

I think the best defense to prevent something like this from happening again, is the "locals" need to lead by example and don't encourage the bullshit when a newb gets out of line.

I'd hate to give Baha a reason to shut us down.

Well, that's my opinion for what it's worth.
maz89   +1y
I agree....
bdydrped   +1y
campy... thats your 2 pennies twice today.... and i dont think i can handle 4 cents worth of your crap


i think ,like the first time this was brought up, that we need to keep the whoreing in just the genral and offtopic sections... deffinately not in the vendors area and for the most part not in everydamn thread that gets started.

and a chatroom will cut down on 99.9 % of the whoreing.
balcar   +1y
There is a vendors area?
dropemlow   +1y
chatroom would help alot i think
balcar   +1y

yes, but you will get it someday................