You have to start sanding with some low grit paper and work you way up to the fine stuff like 600 grit. Then you need to go to a truck stop and get some polishing supplies like tripoli. This comes in 3 colors. Red, White, and Green. The red is for deep cutting, the green is for medium cutting, and the white is for a mirror shine. It is best to do them in that order. You will need a good grinder or polisher for this and alot of elbow grease. The best polishing style cloths are the ones that are twisted into about 6 strands that go on the end of the polishers. I forget the names but they look like french braided hair.
Be prepaired to spend about 100-150 in supplies and several hours of hard labor to polish these wheels. You will also be dirty as hell when you are finished and look like you have been cleaning chimneys all day.