It's all good, Holmes. Some of us get a little defensive when folks start doggin >19's.
I for one, happen to actually prefer 16's on the squarebodies. But then again, I like static drops too. Different strokes for different folks.
I do agree with Husk though. Just seems like it's the hot, trendy new thing. I'm not saying it's good or bad, I just have my preferences.
When every Tom, Dick and Harry is trying to fit 24's on their one-ton because their neighbor did it as well as everyone that has a 'show truck', it just gets old. Just like 24's on a mini. The shock value is gone. Hence, my opinion that semis are overrated. Id' rather save the money and use it somewhere else.
I'm not saying they look bad, or that they are dumb, or that everyone is doing it to be 'trendy'. It looks kinda cool on the right truck. I think Brasky's looks bad ass. Just not my thing.
Just one, Taurus-driving pussy's opinion.