^^^ lol, use a football for a sanding block, it'll turn out pimp!
seriously though, grind it all out, you've got issues well past what he did... grind the mud out, and grind out past the other dents and shit, then spread mud over the whole area at once...
while it's still fairly soft (not sticky, but not yet rock hard) hit it w/ a sanding block with 36 on it. that will show you if you have high spots or not... if you do, tap them in and repeat this step.
once it's straight w/ 36, you want a very light coat of mud over that, and then block again w/ 80.
after that's straight, i'd feather out the 80 scratches in the original paint around where you've been working w/ 180. leaving them (assuming you've made scratches) will eventually come back to haunt you.
now it's primer time... prime it out overlapping into the orig paint just a bit, then once dry block it all w/ 180. assuming you've done the first steps right, you shouldn't notice any highs/lows at this point, you should be just getting rid of the 80 scratches.
if not, prime again and repeat, unless it's really fucked, then start back w/ 80 again....
if it's golden, reprime, then hit it w/ 320 on a D/A, then scotchbrite the orig paint on the panel, and your ready for paint.
don't forget to use some wax/grease remover on the whole panel before starting any of this, or you'll have fish eyes all over probably...
i'm drunk and probably left out some shit, but that's the basic idea i think... good luck!