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Off-topic \  Wyotech. is it worth it?

Wyotech. is it worth it?

Off-topic General Discussions
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bbrownderville   +1y
Has anyone on here acctually went and thought it was worth it? I am a senior this year and plan to attend and go for street rod & custom facrication along with collision/refinishing technologies. I already have some knowledge in all the areas cause my dad owns and runs a body shop and my brother does custom fab to a degree. But do yal think it would be worth going to.
Dropmaster   +1y
I would like to know to.
no1lowr   +1y
any school is worth it if you get out what you put into t, just got to be more driven then the next guy, if you learna few cool things while your there and they get you a job that pays over 60k a year, its worth it.
Blackdod   +1y
But will they get you that job and money or just tell you that to get your money? I Kinda look at it like college. Just because you get a degree dont mean your going to get a job in that field. With your dad owning the shop is that going to help you get any more money? Are you going to learn anything there that you wont learn with on the job experience? I dont know. I think alot of times people go into debt to go to college and then they cant get a job. Or if they do they dont make any more money. I kinda prefer on the job experiance then a degree
sadisticiron   +1y
Edited: 12/16/2006 10:36:10 AM by sadisticiron

its worth it to go if you have no one else to learn from. if you want the basic knowledge for repairing, building, body work then go. the best way to learn is with experience. wyo tech is going to teach you how to do things with all new tools and equipment. so when you go home to do your project you wont know how to do anything without the tools you were taught on. that sucks due to the fact most good equipment cost more then what most people make in a month.
WeightLimit   +1y
I know a couple people who have gone to the school. It dont really seem like they were taught more than I have learned working in the shop environment.

You can work in a shop and get paid to learn instead of vice versa. Especially when the price tag to attend is so steep.

Im not saying its not worth it. Im sure it has helped someone get their foot in the door. Most shops I know of look for working experience not school experience though.
drunkndraggin   +1y
i start in october i went and look at bville were im going and it was a cool place. i talk to alot of the kid and shit they liked it.. i think the hirer rate when you live is somthing like 95 %
35hundo   +1y
I took, ASM, Automotive, Street rod, and Chassis Fab. It all depends what you want to do, If you want to go to a dealership or something like that to work, wyotech is your best bet, if you want to get a job at a hot rod shop, not so much. Honestly, if I could do it all again I wouldnt. It would be smarter to just get a job at a hot rod shop for min. wage or shit even be an apprentice for free. I know your thinkin why work for free, well a year passes and you havent made any money BUT you have a year experience under your belt, and you dont have 30-40k worth of loans to pay off. In a hot rod shop experience is everything. If you want to get a little prepared before you go to a shop and try to get a job. Take a welding course at a local tech school for like a 1000 bucks or whatever. Most of chassis Fab. and street rod are when it comes down to it are welding classes. Any more questions hit me up at

Josh ///RA FL
Like he said, you get out what you put into it. If you possess any skills now they will magnify those skills. You've got the want to learn on your side, that is #1. My main fab guy (carlos) is out of Wyotech, he is awsome, had zero skills going in. ZERO! He just had the want to build bad ass cars & trucks. Of course nothing beats experience in the field. Carlos didn't come to me the bad ass fabricator we have today, it took him a few years in the fieald to learn how things work in the real world. I personaly now one other guy who went to Wyoteh, he is also great at what he does. The only other option you have is to learn at some ones shop as an intern, (meaning you work for FREE(of course that sounds pretty good compared to paying $30-40K!)!). Good luck.
1990c1500   +1y
I went there in 2001/2002 and took ASM/Paint and Body, I enjoyed it but they didnt really teach me the basics (such as I dont know how to weld) so I failed on that note. and Didnt have the time to practice. But besides that I loved it.