the rod was made from solid aluminum and the master was prfectly straight. so tracking wasnt an issue. there isnt any flex either. the way the extension was made is this. make two exact mounting plates out of 1/4 inch plate. use the stock extension as a template for the new plates. the extension housing is made from 3 inch .120 wall tubing. the hard art is to get the plate to be exact on the tube. the easiest is to make a small jig to keep everything straight and tig weld it due to the heat from migweding will distort the plates. the extended push rod is made from solid alumnium and use the same die size as the stock rod and make a new one.
alot o fthing were left out of the tech. the spindle spacers, the cross member, the rack+pinion move, shocks, cross brace, abs, and a few extra tid bits. if anybody has any question let me know i havea ton of pics i can share now that the tech has been shown.