one out of a camry. old 90 model i think. i've heard geo prizim'z are tiny and fit with little modification. they are like 8" diameter. mine was much smaller than stock. plus i got the correct offset on my wheels, i'm runnin 19x9.5's up front and mine dont even rub the side of my brake booster. if you measure and get the perfect offset on your wheels, you aint gotta screw with it all that much. he did show a lot of good points though, you DO have to move the steering rack-n-pinion up and you DO have to modify almost everything else in the front suspension to lay out on bog wheels, but i think there are a few prettier ways to fix a brake booster problem, oh and my answer to the ABS crap, i X'ed it. i took that crap completely out. i looked at an 02 tacoma, the only difference is the lines came outta the distribution blocks from the master cyl and went to the ABS box. so i just took the abs out and ran my lines exactly like the older tacomas do. i did have to plug one port on my distribution block on my frame with an 1/8" brass inverted flare fitting. no big deal there. but all in all the only difference is, i dont have ABS anymore, its just like the pre 03 models. and YES it does stop just fine. be sure to bleed your brake lines properly though