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Isuzu \  upper control arm mount broke

upper control arm mount broke

Isuzu Make Specific
views 686
replies 13
following 10
chumpchange   +1y
not trying to be an ass but that is very unsafe. do all of what was mentioned before and ditch those control arms they ARE going to break that is not a safe way to make a tube control arm and also the mount for your relocated strut rod is going to fall off. looks like a piece of flat stock welded to the under side of the frame. not safe at all. cut all that front end stuff out look at some pictures and buy some quarter inch plate and start over and primer and paint when you are finished.
str8azztaco   +1y
i'm with these guys
str8azztaco   +1y
i'm with these guys
BK2LIFE   +1y
wow. well you read it here on SSM folks..