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Chevy/GMC Trucks \  finished BD but 4.3 won't fire?!?!?!!! please help!

finished BD but 4.3 won't fire?!?!?!!! please help!

Chevy/GMC Trucks Make Specific
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replies 31
following 24
laidmits   +1y
we had the same problem on my wife's '97 jimmy after the bodydrop. the fuel pump would kick on, but it wasn't pumping enough fuel to start it. we replaced the fuel pump and it started right up. if you haven't already, you might want to check if you're getting enough psi's into the injectors. i think it's 45psi that it needs.
burtonrider77   +1y
i had the same problem with mine, it just ended up being the ignition control module..
rodslinger04   +1y
when the battery is completely dead and the truck begins to click when it's tryin to start i get fire... but when the battery is charged i get no fire... any ideas why this would be?...
lowgmc   +1y
scrap all of that shit and throw in a 350....j/k! i had the same problem but was gonna swap motors anyway. not much help to ya, but if you find out let me know cuz im curious myself
mr donut   +1y
I had the same problem also. check the rubber pick up line that is connected to your fuel pump. They trnd to crack and may have a hole in it. It will let some fuel threw but not enough to fire. Bad distributer also was another problem I had with my 4.3
jumbo   +1y
change your fuel filter. i don't think anyone's suggested this, i had the same prob after mine sat for a year and a half in the body shop. it'd turn over then die. if it's been sitting very long at all, the fuel in that filter is probably turpentine by now. once i changed my ff, started right up and no problems.
Camshaft   +1y
have you checked to make sure your getting spark? get a spare spark plug and unplug one of your plugwires and put the spare in and hold it to ground while a buddy cranks the engine over for a second. if your getting a spark then its probably a fuel problem. if no spark look for 12v at the coil during cranking. if your coil is getting power time to look at ignition module or cap and rotor or pickup coil assembly. hope this helps.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by sdime2372

change your fuel filter. i don't think anyone's suggested this, i had the same prob after mine sat for a year and a half in the body shop. it'd turn over then die. if it's been sitting very long at all, the fuel in that filter is probably turpentine by now. once i changed my ff, started right up and no problems.

That reminds me of when I first got my truck. It hadn't been moved in 3 years. It would halfway start and smoke like nobodys business. Drained the tank and put new fuel in and replaced the filter and it ran just fine.
minitrukinranger   +1y
I just had this problem on my ranger. All I can say is definitely check the damn grounds...
rodslinger04   +1y
it's not a fuel thing... i get fuel. it's somthing electrical. i get power to the coil, but no power comes out of the coil UNLESS the battery is dead and the truck begins clicking, then i get spark from the coil. but only when the battery is dead... if the battery is charged, i get no power from the coil but i still have power to it. any ideas?