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General Discussion \  well every one's do'n it

well every one's do'n it

General Discussion
views 5506
replies 48
following 13
low95xlt   +1y
damn that thing is nice
jcampbell1180   +1y
I ABHOR the way you take pictures.

ab·hor (ab hôrÆ), v.t., -horred, -hor·ring.
to regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; detest utterly; loathe; abominate.
[1400–50; late ME < L abhorr"re to shrink back from, shudder at, equiv. to ab- AB- + horr"re to bristle, tremble]
low95xlt   +1y
damn campy is pullin out the big words today
sick82   +1y
looking good man, i wish i wouldnt of parted out my sq body now.....

liljlowrider   +1y
i just got dizzy tryin to focus on that dam picture.. dam you pig
pig rig   +1y

maybe one day I'll roll it outside and get a good pic in the sun
low95xlt   +1y
oh we will be honored and privleged to have u do that for us pig
diabolic kustoms   +1y
so what's with the bug?
pig rig   +1y
thats my 66 its lowered dechromed its almost finished I just need to do something with the interor it was one of the projects that I got to keep when I had to take a brake from society
watahyahknow   +1y
there no lights in the grille at the moment but it makes me wonder if you going to put smokeglas in front of the lichts when youre done , i think that would look nice on this grille