Well I took the family on vacation last week to the sand dunes. Everything was great until the trip home. I had my dually towing my 10,000 lb camper and was cruzin just fine. After pulling this long pretty steep hill on the freeway, the truck started falling on its face. It felt like the trailer brakes were on then for a few seconds it would be normal then feel like that again. I had it to the floor and couldn't gain speed. even downhill. The brakes were not on. It started a few miles out of a big town so I got off the freeway and when I pulled up to the light, I took off and to the floor I couldn't get it past 25 mph, or about 3500 rpms. It wouldn't shift or nothing just went that speed floored. I nursed it into a wendy's and figured it was just hot from pulling that hill, the engine wasn't overheated though. So I came out from lunch and the truck was laying on the ground, which it wasn't when I went in. So we proceeded to try to find airleaks. We could hear them on both sides under the hood and under the cab. I lifted the front and I have shutoffs on each side so I shut them and the pass. side stayed up but the left side dropped. My airlines run inside the frame so I jacked up the truck and listened. Couldn't pinpoint it so I figured it was between the bag and the c part of the frame. I pulled the wheel and removed the bag and line and still no luck. Oh yeah, my gauge quit working at the same time, so just for shits and giggles I plugged off the line to the gauge and that was it, confusing part is those run inside the cab and we could not hear the leak in side. wtf???? So put the bag and crap back on. I didn't look at the rear I just kept adding air to get her home. In the meanwhile my parents showed up and towed my quads home and my wife hooked up to the camper. Drove the dually home empty, no problems besides the slow leak in the rear bags, truck ran fine but the check engine light is on. I don't know if that was on or not earlier because of whiteface gauges and bright sunlight. Anyone ever ran into the engine problems like that?? My kinda luck that 3 different things would break all at the same time.
Sorry for the novel