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Foreign Cars (honda, etc) \  sectioning spindles

sectioning spindles

Foreign Cars (honda, etc) General Discussions
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replies 16
following 9
choppedcivic98   +1y
Werd I was wondering the same thing

Originally posted by CrucialNeon

what are you guys welding them back together with??

shawnswhip   +1y
there was a thread on this before started by "harryballs" there is some helpfull info in there if you can weed through all the hate/shit talking and nonsense...

heres the link:

cuzican   +1y
I paid a professional welder to do mine. I believe the process was just to heat the cast up keep it hot while welding it and cool it very slowly like bury them in sand or wrap them in some kind of insulation. It took over 10 hours for mine to cool. The heating and slow cooling keeps the cast from getting brittle is the way I understad it.
choppedcivic98   +1y
I all ready cut out my wheel weels front & back!!!

Originally posted by skip1100

it will make your car lower. your building drop spindles when you section them. but chris is right you still will need to tub to make room so your wheels can travel up more.

baggedLVintegra   +1y
Does anybody have this done with cylinders??? i need to know if everything clears because all I need is another inch to lay out my integra and this would do the trick, but I dont want to run into any binding or rubbing issues, any help would be greatly appreciated
tukn18saccord   +1y
my a arms hit now and there not modified at all. i have a 1/4 inch taken off the top of my forks so i say it would hit
jaredmxg   +1y
suposidely there is cast rods for arc welding, im certified and was wondering the same process. when i did my first link setup i used the pumkin as an ankor point and ended up breaking off while i was out of town. So if you are gonna do it make sure you can get it done by somebody that has plent of experiance with that spacific metal.