Damn you're right I have long forgotten about Sean...that was a while back bro...so he's hanging with Ryan now?
Props for dropping it over those boulders, and it probably wasn't completely finished when the pics were taken. But rims and tires that big must make for an "interesting" driving experience.
The unsprung weight connected to those tires and rims scares the hell out of me. Don't get me wrong, i'd floss the shit outa that ride...just seems like practicality is going out the window these days, everyone trying to keep up with the Jones'... 30's and lambo doors were just never my thing.
I may be wrong, and the truck may handle just fine, but I doubt it. I like to bulid rides people can "drive". Unless that trucks on hydro's I don't know how those wheels are going to un-tuck.
Props to MIC for another bad ass ride all the same...looks sick.