Originally posted by Chopped Mazda
Originally posted by haktup
wow work computer realyy wants you to know taylor lol
haha, thanks man.
I hope this isnt rude or anything, but have i met you before? your name and screen name sounds very farmiliar, but i cant seem to put a face to it? I see your from GR, and i know a few people from GR, but im drawing a blank.....sorry, i have memory issues lol
You know I am not sure if we have actually met face to face. But I am good friends with J.R. French and I was an admin on the s-10 forum for awhile. I was Building with Trout and now I am mostly doing my stuff when I can got a new baby she keeps me busy. I used to run ErotiK KustomZ I did the hydraulics on the Red S-10 that drug the bed corner off 3 wheeling. It had the spring box built into the frame. THe really OLD guy owned it. I have built a bunch more but that guy drove that bastard everywhere. AND ALWAYS ON 3 WHEELS!