There is not one angle that is "proper." Every suspension design and shock length/valving will have a number of useable mounting positions. In the diagram below, an angled shock position can be calculated. The further the shock is layed down the less efective it becomes. This is the biggest problem that I have found while mounting shocks on the rear of minitrucks. Every (simple) mount that offers decent travel will be digressive. What that means is that the lower the truck is the less efective the shock becomes. Without building a rising rate linkage that will force the shock to be more effective or paying the $900 for custom shocks that are progressive, you as minitruckers are faced with a compromise. I have found a place, finally, that will sell you a shock that has different valving rates according to what your needs are (Steve Duck 619 328-5401 x109) but they still have linear valving, so you will need to compromise your mounting points.